Beyond Expectations: The Jaw-Dropping House That Stole My Heart in Mussomeli

I have always had a fondness for doors, especially huge old wooden ones.

Whenever I go on vacation, I make sure to point out and take pictures of good doors.As we were walking to the next house, the agent stopped to talk to someone on the street. We paused in front of a house with amazing doors. I couldn't help but comment to my friend about how stunning the home looked, especially those doors. To my surprise, the agent then turned towards that very house. It was the house we were here to see!If you've been following my previous posts, you know that I had a challenging time up until this point. I felt discouraged and unsure if I would find a home that met my big wants. But could this be it?The agent opened the door, revealing a spacious entryway. There were stairs to the right that were similar to the ones I'm used to seeing in the U.S. As we explored the house, it felt grand with its tall ceilings and large rooms. The agent mentioned that the first room on the right was where a priest used to stay. Inspired by this story and the impressive front doors, I started calling it the Church House.The Church House had everything I could have asked for and more. It had 6 spacious rooms that could be used as bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 2 full bathrooms, and 2 powder rooms. There was even a closet for the laundry room, 2 balconies, and a potential rooftop terrace in the attic. Although I didn't get a chance to see the cellar, I was captivated by the rest of the house. It had more than I needed, yet it felt just right.The renovations needed for the house were mostly cosmetic. I would remove wallpaper, paint the walls, add a laundry room, and frame one of the bathrooms. In Italy, kitchens are not automatically included when you buy a house, so adding a kitchen would also be necessary. Additionally, I would love to update all the bathrooms and maybe add a small kitchenette. Those are the wants not needs for the house.

I was shocked that I could actually own a home like this.

I could already envision it renovated and filled with furniture. One of the rooms even seemed perfect for future grandchildren... hint, hint. This was the house. However, it came with a higher price tag compared to the Lemon House.The Lemon House was priced at €25,000 and needed a lot of renovations. My estimate would be around €20,000. I forgot to mention that the Lemon House also had a garage that was converted into a barber shop, which could bring in some income.On the other hand, the Church House was priced at €57,000, with an additional estimated cost of around €10,000 for the needs and €10,000 for the wants. While I could handle the wallpaper and painting myself, the tall ceilings would take a long time to do alone. Plus, removing wallpaper is something you try once and the forevermore leave it to the experts.That night, I tossed and turned, thinking about how I liked both houses for different reasons. Ultimately, the Church House seemed like the better fit. I couldn't let that gem slip away.But that's not the end of the Lemon House...

First Floor Tour of my Home



Pizza Margherita


Secret Doors and Hidden Gems: The Unexpected Surprises of House-Hunting in Mussomeli